www.ingomar-garden-club.com www.ingomargardenclub.com


Growing off the beatin' path


Greetings Garden Friends,

Every September, the districts within GCFP host annual fundraiser meetings. This year, a new slate of officers will be sworn in for our District. Before these district gatherings, Garden Club Presidents are expected to meet with the GCFP President and Vice Presidents, which is now simplified through one zoom meeting. Here our President discussed the various themes; Keeping America Beautiful while Keeping PA Beautiful thru enhancement of areas or educating people; Planting America or Feeding America by donating produce or working in a community garden to help those who are food insecure; Gardening for Wildlife or Pollinators by leaving fall leaves or wood piles and using native plants. Our 1st Vice President then spoke of the magnitude of garden club communication where a lack of it can be detrimental. For us, enormous info is provided in our Yearbook, Monthly Flower Press, Seasonal Nine's News and Keystone Gardener.  At meetings, committee chairs report. Please appreciate their efforts by giving your attention to those called upon. When you listen, you learn.

The September 4th meeting will take place at Beechwood Farms. With a brown bag lunch, let's learn Birding 101 from Audubon Education Director, Chris Kubiak. There is a September 15th Wild-Bird Fundraiser Festival, and a September 27th Bird & Nature Walk with Lunch afterward at the Scoreboard.  As hot drought-like conditions persist through this last burst of summer, help is needed in David Council Park to water new plantings with water jugs due to a watering system problem. "A single leaf working alone provides no shade" – Chuck Page.

With appreciation for your labor,

Julie, Your President

Julie Barnes, IGC President
Julie Barnes, IGC President

 Northern Connection Magazine highlightes Ingomar Garden Club in the July 2023 edition

 Northern Connection Magazine - July 2023 edition
Northern Connection Magazine - July 2023 edition